Coccinella hieroglyphica
Coccinella hieroglyphica

coccinella hieroglyphica coccinella hieroglyphica coccinella hieroglyphica

Kuznetsov, Victor N., 1997: Lady Beetles of the Russian Far East. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Coccinella hieroglyphica. Name Homonyms Coccinella hieroglyphica Linnaeus, 1758 Common names Heidekraut Marienkäfer in German Hieroglyf-mariehøne in Danish coccinelle à hiéroglyphes in French hieroglyphic ladybird in English hiëroglyfenlieveheersbeestje, hiërogliefenlieveheersbeest in Dutch Hieroglyphic Ladybird in English Hiëroglyfenlieveheersbeestje in Dutch hieroglyfmarihøne in Norwegian Bokmål hieroglyfnyckelpiga in Swedish Hiërogliefenlieveheersbeest in Dutch Bibliographic Referencesīelicek, Joseph, 1976: Coccinellidae of western Canada and Alaska with analyses of the transmontane zoogeographic relationships between the fauna of British Columbia and Alberta (Insecta: Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Coccinella hieroglyphica gatunek chrzszcza z rodziny biedronkowatych.

Coccinella hieroglyphica